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Make a donation

«Every year, to general indifference, thousands of young children living in the poorest regions pay an unacceptable tribute to malnutrition, lack of hygiene and ignorance. The fight against noma is a gateway leading to the world's most disadvantaged people. Let's open up those gates, so that noma is no longer an inevitability» Bertrand Piccard

How to give

Your simple act of generosity is indispensable and vital to us, enabling us to conduct preventative work and allow thousands of children to escape the atrocious suffering that noma victims endure.

All donations are welcome in support of our programs of prevention and early detection - the first steps on the road towards the elimination of this appalling disease. Whether you are a private individual, a company, a foundation or other institution, you can make single or regular donations as follows by:

Transferring money into our account:

Postfinance : Nordring 8, 3030 Berne, Switzerland
Account N° : 17-120000-4
IBAN : CH27 0900 0000 1712 0000 4
Beneficiary : Winds of Hope, Ch. de Montolivet 119, 1006 Lausanne, Suisse

The power to change

To combat this appalling disease any gift, however small, is most welcome. Let's work together to eliminate this disease of poverty

100 FRANCS = 1 health worker trained = 1 village protected from noma.

You have the power to change the lives of these children by giving us the ability to act in the field. For example you could:

• Organize a collection for us at a concert, a meal, an exhibition or some other event;
• Ask your family and friends to make a donation to Winds of Hope instead of giving you presents;
• If unfortunately there is a funeral in your family, invite people to make a donation in memory of the person concerned instead of giving flowers;
• Think about including Winds of Hope amongst the beneficiaries of your will or making a legacy in support of its combat for the human dignity of children;
• Buy the cartoon book « Juma and Noma » of which the entire sale price of 30 CHF will be attributed to the fight against noma (order by e-mail) (postage and packing will be separately invoiced) ;
• Talk about noma to raise awareness amongst your family and friends, and at your educational establishment or place of work or recreation;
• If you know any journalists, suggest writing an article on this subject .

These are ways of living in greater solidarity with the most under-privileged of children.

In this way, you will provide for the training of community health workers who will be in a position to save the lives of all the children in a village. Their presence on the ground in each village is one of the surest ways of transmitting notions of hygiene and nutrition, helping to prevent and identify cases of noma.


Thanks to the generous support of its partners and Trustees, who between them entirely fund all the operating costs of the Foundation, Winds of Hope can guarantee that all amounts donated are allocated to humanitarian activities for work in the field.

100% of your donations go towards humanitarian work in Africa.

The accounts of the Foundation are certified annually following scrutiny by an auditing body which is independent of the Foundation’s trustees, in accordance with legal requirements. This external auditor is responsible for preparing a report which is submitted to the Swiss Confederation’s Charity Commissioners. 

Tax exemption

Winds of Hope is a humanitarian foundation, officially recognized as being in the public interest, and subject to supervision by the Swiss Confederation. It is exempted from all Swiss taxes (federal, cantonal and communal).

Thanks to this status, donations made to Winds of Hope may give entitlement to a tax deduction, subject to the legislation in force in the donor’s country of origin. For this purpose, a certificate confirming the donations you have made during a given period will be sent to you and this can be attached to your tax declaration.
For further information on the law concerning Direct Federal Tax in Switzerland (Art. 33 et 59, LIFD)and the Federal Law on harmonization of Direct Cantonal and Communal taxes (Art. 9, LHID) see: